Monday 9 June 2014

How to video

0 - 3
0 - not done 3 - extremely well done

Do I have a title slide? - 3

Do I have subtitles for the steps? - 1

How well does the voiceover timing match the photo?  - 3

How well do the photos match the script? - 3

Are the photos well focused? - 2

Is the audio clear? - 3


A strength was that we finished our script quickly and we were able to get onto our shots quickly. We were able to finish fast and we worked as a team well.

A problem we overcame was when we couldn't find a iPad cord to convert our photos. We still pushed through and we tried to do as much as we could without a chord.

Our best shot was the one below because alot of editing and thought went into it.

Some advice I would give the Year 7's next year when they make How To videos is,
Come up with a unique idea.
Think things carefully through when planning your script.
Have a vision of what you want your final product to look like.
Don't muck around.
Have fun!

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