Sunday 5 May 2013

Awesome Catch Up

In my holidays my good friend, Rachel that I have know since I was about 4 came over to my house for a day because her parents are in Spain. Her grandma was looking after her but she went to Auckland for the day. At my house we did lots of cool things the first thing we did was have lunch, we made our very own salad sandwiches with some icy water. My dream job is to be a teacher so we played teachers with Rachel and I as the teachers and my brother and my sister as the pupils we played all day long at the end there was still a little bit of time left so I showed Rachel my iMovies that I created and we decided to make one of our own. I had great fun playing with Rachel and I cant wait to catch up with her again!!

Heres a photo of us!

Heres our movie, By the way this is NOT public on youtube.


  1. I really enjoyed reading your post.

  2. cool Leka can't say anything bad about it sadly but what is lynch

  3. I loved watching your video, it was real funny :)
