Today we had to write a short story using these 3 things,
A horoscope, makeup, and a missing tooth.
The newspaper's ink is still wet as it lays on my porch. I bring it inside and instantly flick to the horoscope page. I run my finger down the page and find what my horoscope says,
Libra: This month you would start to lose yourself, things will go missing, you will be forgetful and time will easily slip away. Make sure you are aware of your surroundings at all times for your life may change in an instant.
I don't have time to try and work out what this means as it's time for work, I glance at my watch and I realise I'm going to be late, I bring my makeup bag with me and decide to apply it at work. Once at work I head straight for the bathroom, but just as I am applying my foundation my finger slips and nicks my tooth. I move my tongue around my mouth and feel a gaping hole right in the middle. I have no idea where the tooth has gone, had someone taken it? I shyly walk to my office and hope no one sees but next thing I know I hear a scream as someone has found a tooth in their pocket.
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