Tuesday, 27 May 2014

My own blog post

Today I got to choose what to do for my daily blog post and I am doing 20 random facts about me.

1. I hate tomatoes, but I love tomato sauce

2. I can't put my middle finger down without holding it with my thumb

3. I hate mornings

4. I was going to be called Lina or Lisa if I wasn't called Leka

5. I absolutely love animals!

6. When i'm older i'm probably going to be a vegetarian

7. I have never seen High School Musical

8. If I was a boy I was going to be called Leo

9. In Japan I used to catch cicadas and once I caught three huge ones and I put them under my net then I went out somewhere, came back and they were all dead :(

10. I start to randomly dance when theres a good song on

11. I've always wanted an older brother

12. I don't know what my favourite, colour, food or singer is

13. When i'm older i'm going to get a dog and called it Bruno

14. I'm a spring baby!

15. Ever since I was little I wanted to be a teacher

16. I want to see what it's like to be famous for a day

17. I have never been to the South Island

18. Every time I catch a plane and the lollie basket comes just before we land I take 5 minutes to pick out my favourite flavours

19. I was the hardest baby to look after out of the kids in my family, (sorry mum)

20. October rules!!

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