Wednesday, 12 March 2014


I had to answer some questions about apostrophes...

What are the 2 times you use an apostrophe?
When something belongs to someone
When you are writing contractions

When should you use an apostrophe of possession?
When something belongs to someone

Where does it go in a sentence?
The monkey hid behind the tree's leaves (the leaves belong to the tree)
The car's windscreen cracked. (the windscreen belongs to the car)
The chairs leg broke. (the leg belongs to the chair)

When should you NOT use an apostrophe of possession?
When the word doesn't belong to anything. ex. The monkey's hid behind the tree, (nothing belongs to anything in this sentence)

When should you use an apostrophe of contraction?
We you shorten a word, ex. are not = aren't

Why do we use apostrophe of contractions?
To shorten words. Ex. does not = doesn't

Where does the apostrophe of contraction go in a contracted word?
In the word, don't you always put the apostrophe before after the n.
In the word, I'm the apostrophe goes after the I.
In the word isn't the apostrophe goes after the n.

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