Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Camp Fire Stories

Today we had to read a camp fire story and create and create an image/sketch about when the husband cuts the ribbon. Here is my sketch

The ball at the bottom of the bed is the ladies head!

Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Bivouac Making

Today we had to skim and scan a piece of text and answer the following questions to do with bivouacs,

How long does it take to set up this? It takes about 5 minutes to set up a good bivouac

What does the word bivouac mean? Bivouac means, A temporary camp without tents or cover, used especially by soldiers or mountaineers.

What direction should the bivouac be facing? The bivouac should be facing the reflector fire, to keep you warm at night. It should also face away from the wind.

Next I had to make up some questions of my own,

1. What does a reflector fire do?

2. Which knot is the best to use when tying your sheet to the trees?

3. What can be heavy when on a hike?


1. Keep you warm at night

2. The harvesters knot is the best

3. The sheets you get from B&Q

Monday, 17 February 2014

Brushing your teeth in space!

Today we watched a video that taught us how to brush our teeth in space and heres how,

Step 1. Grab your packet of water and pour a tiny bit of water along your toothbrush. (don't pour too much as the water will fly everywhere!)

Step 2. Next get your normal toothpaste and swipe some of that onto your brush.

Step 3. Brush your teeth like normal.

Step 4. Since you can't spit out your used toothpaste, unfortunately you have to swallow.

Step 5. Now you have to clean your toothbrush. Find your packet of water again and pour a little bit onto your brush and suck the water off.

Step 6. Now that your brush is clean, put it back into it's case.

You're pearly whites are now shining, so start smiling!

Sunday, 16 February 2014

Mashup Image

Today we had to create a mashup image for a moment in our class book, "hatchet"

Here is my image

Thursday, 13 February 2014

Valentines Day!!

Today google reminded us that it's Valentines day today!! These are the questions we had to answer:

What link does the google image take you to today? The link takes us to a page and facts about Valentines day! If you want to have a look then click here!

How is this topic linked to today’s date? Because Saint Valentine was to be be-headed not only because he was Christian but also because he had preformed a miracle. He had saved the jailers daughter by amazingly curing her blindness. The night before he Valentine was executed he wrote a the Jailers daughter a farewell letter and signed it, From your Valentine. Now today is known as Valentines day!

Make a connection to today’s topic, I love all the decorations and love that goes around!

List 3 keywords which are related to today’s topic, love, flowers, chocolate

List 5 facts about today’s topic,

1. Valentines day can also be refereed to, Feast of saint valentine

2. Valentines day used to only be celebrated by Christians

3. Valentines day was named after Christian Priest Valentine

4. One of the earliest symbols of Valentines day was Cupid, the Roman god of love

5. This is what an antique Valentine card looks like:

Monday, 10 February 2014

Me in the morning

Today I have to write a set of instructions of how to be me.

1. You will hear my Mum's voice telling you to get up but just go back under the covers for another 5 minutes.

2. My Mum will tell you again and yank open the curtains. The light will blind your eyes and your body will slowly get up.

3. When your fully awake, go to the couch and start watching Phineas and Ferb after about 5 minutes of that drag yourself to the kitchen and start making some toast. When thats done go back to the couch and watch T.V until your toast is finished.

4. After breakfast put your plate on the bench and start brushing your pearly whites. Now its time for rinse. The mouthwash will be waiting for you on the bench.

5. Once your teeth are sparkling clean, go to your room and get changed into your school uniform and then do a quick pose in the mirror. Next start tying up your hair into the famous, pony tail. If your feeling a bit funky then do a small plait and tie it up along with your ponytail.

6. Now your looking super good but it's time to make your bed or what I like to call (My best friend!) look nice and tidy. I know its a pain making your bed but your toys will thank-you, (and so will your Mum).

7. Next you go get the animal food and go outside to feed your little guinea-pig and your BIG bunny. Don't worry about their water, thats your sister's job.

8. When you go back inside, put the food away, wash your hands, and pick up your iPod. Play on it for a little while until your Mum says its time to go.

9. Once she's says its time to go, chuck on your good looking sandals and put on your school bag. Lucky for you, your Mum is super awesome so your bag will be packed up and ready to go!

10. Finally hop in the car and jam to the music playing on the radio!

Have fun at school!!

Sunday, 9 February 2014

Abstract Feelings

Today we had to paint an abstract drawing to explain our feelings. I'm feeling tired but a little bit happy too because I get to see my friends, thats why I added a hint of blue!

Here it is!

Thursday, 6 February 2014

Personality Test

For our daily blog post this morning we had to take a personality test. Here are the questions we had to answer...

1. What type/s of animal were you? - I was an otter.

2. Do you agree with this result? Say why/why not - I agree with the result because I like doing things the fun way!

3. What are 3 strengths of your animal type? - 3 strengths of my animal type are, bright ideas, creative, fun loving. What is 1 weakness of your animal type? - Likes heaps of fun so isn't always serious about things.

4. Predict which animal you think the other members of your family are, and do the same for 1 good friend.
Dad - Golden Retriever
Mum - Beaver
Claire - Golden Retriever
Leo - Otter
5. Do you think this is a useful survey for people to take? Say why/why not - I think this is a good survey to take to get to know yourself better and to learn more about your personality type.

6. Include a link to the survey in your post - Personality Test (click here!)

Tuesday, 4 February 2014

How to do a daily blog post

Why: To keep up our writing skills
Where: On our personal blogs
When: Every day from 8:30am till 9:00am
What: Can be anything
How: Title, SPG, finished by 9:00am, label