Wednesday, 10 December 2014
Tuesday, 9 December 2014
Monday, 8 December 2014
Online shopping
Budget - $300.00
Dad - Grippy 2.0 $23.95
Mum - Laptop surf pillow $39.95
Claire - Magna-Bubble rope wand $16.95
Leo - Muscle car - $24.95
Mickey - Selfie pole $19.95
Total - $125.75 - free shipping
Dad - Grippy 2.0 $23.95
Mum - Laptop surf pillow $39.95
Claire - Magna-Bubble rope wand $16.95
Leo - Muscle car - $24.95
Mickey - Selfie pole $19.95
Total - $125.75 - free shipping
Sunday, 7 December 2014
Sunday, 30 November 2014
Virtual Tours
New Zealand Parliament -
National Museum of Natural History -
Big Ben -
London Zoo -
Westminister Abbey -
A virtual tour is a stimulation of a real place. Virtual tours are usually made of still images or small videos. Virtual tours can also include sound effects, music narration and text. The New Zealand Parliament virtual tour is very interesting and life like. In each room there are different checkpoints around the room that allow you to click on them to find out information about that certain place in Parliament. I think that virtual tours are quite useful for people wanting to find out more about a certain place without seeing it in real life. In my opinion though I would rather experience a place in real life. A strength about virtual tours is that a tourist may be thinking of visiting Big Ben and can easily look online at the virtual tour which gives them a taste of what Big Ben's really like. Another strength is that virtual tours are free! Some people may prefer just a small glimpse online rather than the real thing. A weakness about virtual tours is that the site may be outdated. This will then give people the wrong idea about the place. Another weakness is that you don't get to experience the place your self. Virtual tours are usually just a bunch of photos, anyone in the world gets to see the photos but if you were to go and get a real life experience, it would be a lot more memorable. The best virtual tour I have been on so far is the Big Ben virtual tour. The reason I enjoyed this virtual tour so much is because the photos were really good quality and you could look around at an angle of 360 degrees! The time and setting that the photographer chose was also really great as the sun was just about to go down and there wasn't people crowding the streets which was even better. Big Ben is truly a beautiful landmark and the virtual tour has really given me a good taste of what it looks like in real life. Overall I think that virtual tours are very helpful for most people. But if I were to give my honest opinion, as I said before I would definitely rather experience a virtual tour in real life. For now I will just stick to virtual tours as my piggy bank isn't quite full enough yet.
National Museum of Natural History -
Big Ben -
London Zoo -
Westminister Abbey -
A virtual tour is a stimulation of a real place. Virtual tours are usually made of still images or small videos. Virtual tours can also include sound effects, music narration and text. The New Zealand Parliament virtual tour is very interesting and life like. In each room there are different checkpoints around the room that allow you to click on them to find out information about that certain place in Parliament. I think that virtual tours are quite useful for people wanting to find out more about a certain place without seeing it in real life. In my opinion though I would rather experience a place in real life. A strength about virtual tours is that a tourist may be thinking of visiting Big Ben and can easily look online at the virtual tour which gives them a taste of what Big Ben's really like. Another strength is that virtual tours are free! Some people may prefer just a small glimpse online rather than the real thing. A weakness about virtual tours is that the site may be outdated. This will then give people the wrong idea about the place. Another weakness is that you don't get to experience the place your self. Virtual tours are usually just a bunch of photos, anyone in the world gets to see the photos but if you were to go and get a real life experience, it would be a lot more memorable. The best virtual tour I have been on so far is the Big Ben virtual tour. The reason I enjoyed this virtual tour so much is because the photos were really good quality and you could look around at an angle of 360 degrees! The time and setting that the photographer chose was also really great as the sun was just about to go down and there wasn't people crowding the streets which was even better. Big Ben is truly a beautiful landmark and the virtual tour has really given me a good taste of what it looks like in real life. Overall I think that virtual tours are very helpful for most people. But if I were to give my honest opinion, as I said before I would definitely rather experience a virtual tour in real life. For now I will just stick to virtual tours as my piggy bank isn't quite full enough yet.
Wednesday, 26 November 2014
Tuesday, 25 November 2014
TGC Orientation Day
Today we visited TGC for an orientation day. We had student ambassadors show us different classrooms and places around the school. In our small groups we were taken to a classroom and given more information like the daily notices and uniform prices. The 4 ambassadors answered all of our questions which was really helpful. I found out that it is quite easy getting used to being in a place without boys and some of the ambassadors even preferred it! Orientation day was really helpful and I really enjoyed the 2015 head girl's speech which really explained a lot about the college. I am looking forward to going to TGC next year and experiencing the opportunities they have to offer.
Mean tweet targets Lorde and Epilepsy
In my opinion I believe that Tau Henare's tweet was very unnecessary. Studies show that 65 million people in the world suffer from elilepsy. The person that replied to Tau was very brave in standing up to the former politician. I definitely agree with the public describing his action as lazy and mean spirited.
One time my Mum asked me to clean my room and I didn't want too so I said "Look at your wardrobe!" as a joke. She took it as an insult rather than a joke.
Here is the link to the article -
One time my Mum asked me to clean my room and I didn't want too so I said "Look at your wardrobe!" as a joke. She took it as an insult rather than a joke.
Here is the link to the article -
Monday, 24 November 2014
Advice for the Yr 7's
Dear new Rimu students,
Hi, im Leka the 2014 Rimu house leader and I am going to be listing some advice you'll need for next year.
- When you get to school in the morning remember to line up snd be quiet! Trust me, having to line up over and over is super annoying.
- Ladies first!
- When in the classroom, like any other classroom, be responsible and make sure you obey all rules that are set.
- Take good care of your laptop! You are very priveleged to be using a laptop and don't try hide, Mr Ranskey can see anyhing!
- Girls - Wear PE shorts or spandex under your skirt. Keep those pesky boys from looking.
- Boys - Don't be afraid to get changed into your PE gear in the cloak bay!
- Remember it's Miss Campbells birthday on the 28th of November!
- Don't hit each other with your hats
- Most of the drinking fountains aren't that good so try bringing your water bottle instead.
- Get to know people! The more people you know the better your experience at TIS will be!
- Make sure you have the correct uniform (earings)
- Enjoy zumba for fitness, not many other houses get to experience it!
- Don't go to Fraser Cove in school hours.
- Don't climb trees!
- Ask for help when you need it!
- Follow the STARS
- Remember to say hello to Mr Diver everytime you see him.
- Make the most of the 2 years, they go super quick!
- Get involved with as much as you can!
- Sorry girls, no makeup!
- You are very lucky and get wheelie chairs! But be sensible!
- Remember to keep social chat outside.
- Social dance, a highlight of the year, dance your heart out! you might even get prince of princess!
- Try for house leader! House leader is an awesome thing to take part in.
- Don't take lollies to camp, it may be tempting but there are rats!
- Do your best and make Rimu proud!
- Totora is our enemie!
- Try and win the spirit trophy!
I hope you enjoy my advice, make the most of Rimu, the best house in the school! You've only got two years so use it wisely!
Sunday, 23 November 2014
Life Ed Movie
Sound quality: I think the actors voice's are very clear and easy to hear. I think we could have considered wind when filming as some of the scenes have a lot of background noise from the wind.
Camera skill: We did really well when filming from different angles. Next time we make a video I think we should try and hold the camera more steady as the camera is a bit shaky in some scenes.
Acting: I think our actors were quite believable and the story line may happen in real life. Some time we accidentally looked at the camera.
Editing: The editors in our group did really well and chose great transitions which had a really good affect on the overall video.
Poem: I really enjoyed our poem and thought it really went well with our storyline but if there I was a next time I would've made it a bit longer.
Quality of the life education message in your movie (the Script): I think our storyline was quite believable and we crafted each line quite well. If we had to write the script again, I would've made a better ending.
Teamwork: All of our team members contributed to the project which was really cool. We overcame any problems together and made sure everyone had an equal role and wasn't feeling excluded.
Internet forum
An internet forum is an online discussion about a certain object.
I have never posted an online forum but I would love too sometime in the future.
A forum administrator keeps everything under control. They also make sure people are on the forum responsibly.
Forum names:
Discussion board
Discussion post
Minecraft forum -
Rugby forum -
Music forum -
A consequence for breaking forum rules may be that the user gets blocked from using the forum for a set amount of days.
I have never posted an online forum but I would love too sometime in the future.
A forum administrator keeps everything under control. They also make sure people are on the forum responsibly.
Forum names:
Discussion board
Discussion post
Minecraft forum -
Rugby forum -
Music forum -
A consequence for breaking forum rules may be that the user gets blocked from using the forum for a set amount of days.
Sunday, 16 November 2014
When using translation you always need to say:
How many times bigger you have made the shape (scale factor)
What the centre of enlargement is
The centre of enlargement is the point of which the shape started to enlarge (form)
The scale factor is how many times the shape is being enlarged.
The easy way to work out the scale factor of a shape on a grid is to first count how many squares are on one side of the smaller shape (preferably the bottom) you then count how many squares there are ON THE SAME SIDE on the enlarged shape. You then compare the two numbers and work out how many times the shape has been enlarged. (I like to use division)
Here, the first shape (pink) has 4 squares along the bottom side. In the enlarged shape the bottom side has 8 squares. I then use division to work out the scale factor.
8 divided by 4 gives 2. So 2 = the scale factor.
When working out the scale factor of a shape with no grid you use projection lines. Here is an example of what projection lines look like:
First you draw a projection line, starting from the middle of the X to one of the corners of the shape and beyond. You then measure that distance and double it. Then, starting from the X along the projection line you apply that doubled distance and then place a small mark at the end of the doubled distance. Repeat this for all of the corners. Your shape should now look like this:
How many times bigger you have made the shape (scale factor)
What the centre of enlargement is
The centre of enlargement is the point of which the shape started to enlarge (form)
The scale factor is how many times the shape is being enlarged.
The easy way to work out the scale factor of a shape on a grid is to first count how many squares are on one side of the smaller shape (preferably the bottom) you then count how many squares there are ON THE SAME SIDE on the enlarged shape. You then compare the two numbers and work out how many times the shape has been enlarged. (I like to use division)
Here, the first shape (pink) has 4 squares along the bottom side. In the enlarged shape the bottom side has 8 squares. I then use division to work out the scale factor.
8 divided by 4 gives 2. So 2 = the scale factor.
When working out the scale factor of a shape with no grid you use projection lines. Here is an example of what projection lines look like:
First you draw a projection line, starting from the middle of the X to one of the corners of the shape and beyond. You then measure that distance and double it. Then, starting from the X along the projection line you apply that doubled distance and then place a small mark at the end of the doubled distance. Repeat this for all of the corners. Your shape should now look like this:
Once you've done that you join up all of your new doubled distances to create a new and enlarged shape like so,
That is how you enlarge a shape without a grid. The tricky thing is though, even though you've enlarged the shapes all the angles are actually still the same!
Life Ed Summary
The main message of Life Ed was to "Delay the Decision" We applied this to drugs and alcohol. These are a few things we learnt.
How drugs affect the brain
These are all jobs of the brain that get affected when drugs are used. We learnt that drugs can make a persons emotions can take over people intellect.
4 parts of the brain (the highlighted parts are the parts of the brain that get affected by drugs)
- Long term memory
- Short term memory
- Today's thinking
- Future thinking
Michael once told us that there was a man that was taking drugs who walked his daughter to school and when they got there she realised she had forgotten something. The father got very mad, shot her and buried her. He also tried to help the police find her, even though he already knew where she was buried.
Michael taught us that puberty takes 7 years and can be described as 7 rungs of a ladder. He also said that puberty can start as early as 9 or as late as 16. This is simply because, everyone is different. The sad thing is though it is very common for people to take drugs while going through puberty. This is very concerning as puberty is the worst time to take drugs. In the majority of personal stories Michael told us the people started drugs at the age 13 which is quite scary because that is the age of people at my school! Most people start drugs because of parties which has taught me to be aware of situations where I may be offered drugs.
Ways to say no to drugs
During Life Ed we learnt an acronyms that can help us to say no to drugs,
R Give a reason
E Give an excuse
A ssertive
C hange the subject
H umour
W alk away
I gnore
T ell someone or toughen up
S ay no
Why teenagers are more affected by drugs
In Life Ed we learnt a few acronyms that explain why teenagers are more affected by drugs than adults.
F aster
A bsorption
R ate
L ess
E ffective
M etabolic
S ystem
G reater
I mpact on
B rain
G reater
A ddiction
P otential
We learnt that alcohol is the drug that is most likely to be offered to us in our lifetime. Michael said that out of a large group only a small amount will get involved with illegal drugs but a larger amount will get involved with alcohol. We can apply REACH WITS to an alcohol situation as well which I've think will be really handy. Alcohol can also be used sensibly which I intend to do. I will remember not to over dose as that's when problems happen. When used incorrectly alcohol can be very dangerous and I hope not to use it in that way.
Overall I learnt many things that can help me to "Delay the Decision" I sincerely hope that I can use my new knowledge from Life Ed to help me if I ever find myself in a sticky situation including drugs or alcohol.
How drugs affect the brain
These are all jobs of the brain that get affected when drugs are used. We learnt that drugs can make a persons emotions can take over people intellect.
4 parts of the brain (the highlighted parts are the parts of the brain that get affected by drugs)
- Long term memory
- Short term memory
- Today's thinking
- Future thinking
Michael once told us that there was a man that was taking drugs who walked his daughter to school and when they got there she realised she had forgotten something. The father got very mad, shot her and buried her. He also tried to help the police find her, even though he already knew where she was buried.
Michael taught us that puberty takes 7 years and can be described as 7 rungs of a ladder. He also said that puberty can start as early as 9 or as late as 16. This is simply because, everyone is different. The sad thing is though it is very common for people to take drugs while going through puberty. This is very concerning as puberty is the worst time to take drugs. In the majority of personal stories Michael told us the people started drugs at the age 13 which is quite scary because that is the age of people at my school! Most people start drugs because of parties which has taught me to be aware of situations where I may be offered drugs.
Ways to say no to drugs
During Life Ed we learnt an acronyms that can help us to say no to drugs,
R Give a reason
E Give an excuse
A ssertive
C hange the subject
H umour
W alk away
I gnore
T ell someone or toughen up
S ay no
Why teenagers are more affected by drugs
In Life Ed we learnt a few acronyms that explain why teenagers are more affected by drugs than adults.
F aster
A bsorption
R ate
L ess
E ffective
M etabolic
S ystem
G reater
I mpact on
B rain
G reater
A ddiction
P otential
We learnt that alcohol is the drug that is most likely to be offered to us in our lifetime. Michael said that out of a large group only a small amount will get involved with illegal drugs but a larger amount will get involved with alcohol. We can apply REACH WITS to an alcohol situation as well which I've think will be really handy. Alcohol can also be used sensibly which I intend to do. I will remember not to over dose as that's when problems happen. When used incorrectly alcohol can be very dangerous and I hope not to use it in that way.
Overall I learnt many things that can help me to "Delay the Decision" I sincerely hope that I can use my new knowledge from Life Ed to help me if I ever find myself in a sticky situation including drugs or alcohol.
Thursday, 13 November 2014
Web of Addiction poem
I am now your best friend, your soulmate, your drive, but I don't care whether or not you're alive. You use me for leisure because I give you pleasure. I've burnt a hole in your back pocket, you even sold your Grandma's precious locket. Your family and friends are feeling neglected, the fear has set in, they are now unprotected. Your addictions taken charge, the problems becoming large. You must seek help before it's too late or otherwise the police will put a lot on your plate. So just stop my friend and face your fate, don't worry because it's not too late. So stop getting high or else you will die. Your time is ticking, you'll go down kicking. Your body's exploding, your lies are imploding. So don't be a thug and say no to the drug.
Wednesday, 12 November 2014
Monday, 10 November 2014
Sunday, 9 November 2014
Transformations: Translation
Translation is one of the 4 ways that a shape can be moved. (Translation, Rotation, Shrink and enlarge and reflect) If you have a shape on a grid and you then move the shape, you have translated it.
A vector is the coordinates of where the shape has been moved. A vector looks like the picture below.
The top number indicates how far left or right the shape has moved. If the number is negative the shape moves left, if the number is positive, the shape moves right. The bottom number indicates how far up or down the shape will move. If the number is negative the shape goes down and if the number is positive the shape goes up.

When moving house you are translating objects to the new house. This is a real life example of translation.
A vector is the coordinates of where the shape has been moved. A vector looks like the picture below.
The top number indicates how far left or right the shape has moved. If the number is negative the shape moves left, if the number is positive, the shape moves right. The bottom number indicates how far up or down the shape will move. If the number is negative the shape goes down and if the number is positive the shape goes up.

When moving house you are translating objects to the new house. This is a real life example of translation.
Thursday, 6 November 2014
Monday, 3 November 2014
Sunday, 2 November 2014
Magic Mushrooms
Magic Mushrooms
- class - A
- describe how the drug looks - Magic Mushrooms look like ordinary mushrooms but a bit smaller. Magic Mushrooms have very lean stems and are a mud brown colour.
- how it is made - Magic Mushrooms are grown in fields, like a normal Mushroom. If you were to use them as a drug you would need to boil them or eat them raw.
- ways the drug is used - The drug is usually taken orally but can be taken as a powder in capsules. Magic Mushrooms can also be put into tea.
- how it affects the user - Using magic mushrooms can cause hallucinations, nausea, shivering, sweating, anxiety and dizziness.
- streetnames - shrooms, psilocybin, psychedelic mushrooms.
- negative health effects it has on the user - Magic Mushrooms can cause strong hallucinations years after they were consumed.
- dangers - Magic Mushrooms can become addictive and lead to a large range of health issues.
Magic Mushrooms are illegal drugs that can affect a persons perception of sight, sound, taste, smell and touch. Magic Mushrooms can lead to severe illness and in worst cases, death. Magic Mushrooms are in class A which means they are highly dangerous causing many symptoms such as nausea, shivering, sweating and anxiety. Many people get tricked into taking Magic Mushrooms because they look like ordinary mushrooms. The substances inside is the reason for their harm. Magic Mushrooms are grown in fields and are then boiled and put into tea or can be eaten raw. These are just a few reasons why you shouldn't even consider taken Magic Mushrooms as 1 dose could ruin your whole life.
Wednesday, 29 October 2014
Jack and Jill Playscript
Jack and Jill: Play script
Cast: Jack, Jill and Mother.
Scene 2
(Jack and Jill are standing at the bottom of the hill, Jack is rubbing his head)
Jill: Come on Jack, we have to go home.
Jack: I'm coming!
(Jack and Jill start walking and then arrive at their house)
Mother: Oh no! Jack, are you okay?
(Mother rushes over to Jack)
Jack: Mum, I'm fine!
(Pushes Mother away)
Mother: No you're not, sit down Jack.
(Jack sits down)
Mother: Now, what actually happened?
(Looking at Jill with her arms crossed)
Jill: Well, Jack and I were fetching the water, like you asked and the hill that we had to climb up was really steep! Yeah, you can figure out the rest.
Mother: Well, I'm glad you're both alright.
(Mother unfolds her arms and smiles at Jack and Jill)
Mother: I shall never send you to fetch water again.
Jack: I like the sound of that!
(Jack grinning)
Cast: Jack, Jill and Mother.
Scene 2
(Jack and Jill are standing at the bottom of the hill, Jack is rubbing his head)
Jill: Come on Jack, we have to go home.
Jack: I'm coming!
(Jack and Jill start walking and then arrive at their house)
Mother: Oh no! Jack, are you okay?
(Mother rushes over to Jack)
Jack: Mum, I'm fine!
(Pushes Mother away)
Mother: No you're not, sit down Jack.
(Jack sits down)
Mother: Now, what actually happened?
(Looking at Jill with her arms crossed)
Jill: Well, Jack and I were fetching the water, like you asked and the hill that we had to climb up was really steep! Yeah, you can figure out the rest.
Mother: Well, I'm glad you're both alright.
(Mother unfolds her arms and smiles at Jack and Jill)
Mother: I shall never send you to fetch water again.
Jack: I like the sound of that!
(Jack grinning)
Tuesday, 28 October 2014
NZ Flag
1) What do these symbols on our flag stand for?
a) Blue background
The blue sea and the clear sky surrounding us.
b) Stars
Emphasises the country's location on the South Pacific Ocean.
c) Union Jack
Recognises New Zealand's historical origins as a British country and dominion.
2) Name the 3 flags of the 3 countries which are combined to make the Union Jack
3) When did we first use this NZ flag ?
June 1902
4) What flag did we use from 1840 until then?
The Union Jack
5) From 1834 to 1840 we used the United Tribes Flag.
6) Who kept chopping down the flagpole in Kororareka? Why?
Hone Heke. He grew disappointed at the loss of trade with European ships, and at challenges to his authority. From late 1844 he and his men repeatedly cut down the flag pole above the bay at Kororāreka.
Monday, 27 October 2014
Rotating Shapes
- What 3 things do you need to say to describe a rotation?
- Where the centre of rotation is
- How much it is turned through.
- Whether the rotation is clockwise or anticlockwise.
b. Explain what centre of rotation means
The centre of rotation is the coordinates that show where the shape will be turned from.
c. Now use these 3 things to describe the rotation on Page 1 of the myimaths lesson (i.e. describe the rotation of the triangle) The triangle The centre of rotation is 1,1. The triangle has been turned 90 degrees and is clockwise.
Thursday, 23 October 2014
Q and A
Q. Who is the main victim of this accident?
A. Krystal Bennett.
Q. What drugs was the driver of the other car on?
A. P and Morphine.
Q. How old was the other driver?
A. 19.
Q. Where did the accident take place?
A. River Road, Upper Hutt.
Q. What is something that Krystal's parents said to remember?
A. Never drive if you've taken drugs.
Q. How many people were in the accident?
A. 3.
Q. What words did Krystal's parents use to describe the other driver?
A. Selfish and irresponsible.
Q. What was Krystal ranked in the top 100 sales staff for the month of August 2005?
A. 57th
Q. How many years is the other driver in prison for?
A. 6 1/2
School boy dies after drinking vodka
Sixteen year old, James Webster has died after drinking vodka that was 20 years old. James told his father that he was going to a friends on Saturday night to study but instead he went to an 18th birthday party at the RSA, Grey Lynn. James took the vodka bottle himself and never woke up afterwards. James had a lot going for him being a very successful sportsman. On the Facebook page that was made for James, Donald Webster his father wrote, "Why can a 16-year-old get so intoxicated without one of his mates realising and doing something about it? It is far too late to point fingers, but it is not too late to learn a lesson." This is a tragic accident and James' parents hope his death will hammer home the dangers of teenage drinking.
A. Krystal Bennett.
Q. What drugs was the driver of the other car on?
A. P and Morphine.
Q. How old was the other driver?
A. 19.
Q. Where did the accident take place?
A. River Road, Upper Hutt.
Q. What is something that Krystal's parents said to remember?
A. Never drive if you've taken drugs.
Q. How many people were in the accident?
A. 3.
Q. What words did Krystal's parents use to describe the other driver?
A. Selfish and irresponsible.
Q. What was Krystal ranked in the top 100 sales staff for the month of August 2005?
A. 57th
Q. How many years is the other driver in prison for?
A. 6 1/2
School boy dies after drinking vodka
Sixteen year old, James Webster has died after drinking vodka that was 20 years old. James told his father that he was going to a friends on Saturday night to study but instead he went to an 18th birthday party at the RSA, Grey Lynn. James took the vodka bottle himself and never woke up afterwards. James had a lot going for him being a very successful sportsman. On the Facebook page that was made for James, Donald Webster his father wrote, "Why can a 16-year-old get so intoxicated without one of his mates realising and doing something about it? It is far too late to point fingers, but it is not too late to learn a lesson." This is a tragic accident and James' parents hope his death will hammer home the dangers of teenage drinking.
Tuesday, 21 October 2014
Rotational Symmetry
- In your own words explain what rotational symmetry is.
Rotational symmetry is how many times a shape can be rotated and still look the same.
b.How is rotational symmetry different from line symmetry
Rotational symmetry is when the shape is moved to look the same but line symmetry is when a shape is exactly the same on either side and if you were to fold it in half, both sides would be exactly the same.
c. What do you do to check if a shape has rotational symmetry?
By rotating a shape and seeing if it looks the same when in a different position.
d. Find pictures of 3 real life objects which have rotational symmetry (not shapes, objects e.g. foods, logos) and paste them into your post
Abstract Art
This piece of art resembles happiness
This piece of art resembles anger
This piece of art resembles disappointment
This piece of art resembles boredom
This piece of art resembles excitement
This piece of art resembles anger
This piece of art resembles disappointment
This piece of art resembles boredom
This piece of art resembles excitement
Sunday, 19 October 2014
Punctuation 3
"MUM, where are my favourite socks?" I asked yelling for help
"Where are my Tuesday undies?"asked Dad, searching through his drawers. "You know I have to wear them today!"
"Just wear Monday's undies, no one is going to know!" replied Mum.
"No ones going to know you say, I'm going to know and to wear Mondays undies, pfft that would be idiotic!" dad answered back with a streak in his voice.
This was only the beginning of our family disaster. The next few weeks things were starting to disappear and fast. With dad losing his Tuesday undies and me losing my favourite socks, Isaac then lost his favourite bow tie, while mum then lost her favourite dress. We thought we were going mental, "It's not like they could just hop up and run away!" said Isaac.
Mum suggested that we recap our steps. "When was the last time you had your items?" she said.
We all replied, "Before washing day was the last time we had them."
"So maybe it's the washing machine that's caused all this drama," Mum said with a glimpse a hope in her eyes. We checked the washing machine there was… nothing with nothing to prove. I decided to put a GoPro in the machine to watch it in action to see if there was something suspicious really happening inside. What I didn’t realise was that the washing machine would take my GoPro too. "AHHH IT'S GONE!" I yelled at the top of my voice.
"What are we going to do? Mum replied "Lets just give up."
"Fine, if that’s the best idea," I moaned.
A few weeks later Isaac had dropped his toy car behind the washing machine. As we were looking for it a pair of undies popped up out of the blue, just sitting there. "Mum look!" I said with a big grin on my face. Who would have guessed, we both stood there smiling.
Thursday, 16 October 2014
Punctuation 2
"Morning class," greeted Miss Green. It was an ordinary day and everyone was sitting at their wooden desks with pens and pencils by their side. The sweet sound of voices filling the room brought music to my ears, I decide to listen in on Brittney's conversation with Ella,
"OMG, last night I reached into my bag to get out my book and it wasn’t there," Explained Brittney.
"No way!" replied Ella, "That exact thing happened to me, I was sure I put it into my bag!
This is a little strange, I thought to myself why are things disappearing?
Eventually the bell went and it was time to go home. I told my mum what I had witnessed at school and she was lost for words. That night I couldn't get Brittney and Ella's conversation out of my head. I grabbed my laptop out of my bag to google this mystery. As I unzipped the case, I looked down only to see that there was no laptop in my bag! This is insane! I decided to look in my other pocket of my bag and to my surprise, my lunch box was also missing.
The sun was shining, birds singing. It seemed like an ordinary day. I walked into my class that is usually full of colour, but not today, my class looked like a prison cell. "What happened?" I gasped.
"Don't worry kids," assured Miss Green, "We have a thief in our class and I am going to get to the bottom of this."
One by one, Miss Green started checking our bags. Everyone seemed relaxed, except for James. Miss Green made her way down the line and James was last to be checked.
"Oh," said Miss Green, looking rather lost. "What is this?" she asked James. She pulled out two books, a pencil case, my laptop and two class posters from James' bag.
I was utterly shocked to say the least. "I am so sorry!" cried James, "It's just that everyone has laptops or books and our class is so colourful that I wanted to take some of it home to make my house look better." The truth is that you should be happy with what you have and not want stuff from other people.
Tuesday, 14 October 2014
It was a Monday morning, I just got woken up by my mum to get ready for school. I got out of bed and reached down for my uniform but it wasn't there, I looked under my bed and under my pillows but I couldn't find my uniform anywhere.
"Kaidin have you gotten in the shower yet?"
"No Mum, I cant find my uniform."
"Well you better find it quick or you will be going to school in your onesie!"
"But Mum, I can't find it anywhere, it’s like just disappeared!"
"Oh sure, just like all your other stuff huh Kaidin?"
I got a note to go to school with to say that my uniform is lost and that I have to wear mufti just for today, which was a pain because every teacher I walked past asked why I'm in mufti and where my uniform is so I just showed them the note and moved on. When I got home I went to go grab my iPod from where I always put it, but I looked and that wasn't there either. I yelled out to my mum,
"Mum, have you seen my iPod?"
"No, but do you know where you last put it?"
"Mum, if I knew where I last put it do you think I'd be asking you where it is?"
"Sorry, just trying to help."
I thought to myself that I'll try to find it later so I run into my room to go on my PS3 but surprise, surprise, it’s not there.
"Oh what now Kaidin?" Said mum, "I know you're up to mischief."
"Tell me where all my stuff is!"
"Kaidin, do you really think I would hide your uniform away from you so you would go to school in your onesie?" Said mum, "Now what’s gone missing?"
"My PS3, the whole thing!" Yells Kaidin, "The controller is here but not my HDMI cable, power cord or my Elgato!"
I really couldn't be bothered looking for all my stuff because it will take me hours so I just thought of going for a bike ride. I walk outside to get my bike and I couldn't believe it, my bike had no tyres! By this time I've had enough, I went up to my mum and said,
"Mum, I know you’ve put all my stuff somewhere, please can I have it back?"
"Kaidin, I have hidden your stuff away, would you like to get it back?"
"Yes where is it, where is it, where is it?"
"Right here."
My mum led me to her bedroom where my stuff was all scattered around the room. My PS3, the power cord, the HDMI and my Elgato. My iPod was under her drawers and my bike tyres were under Liams bed. My uniform was in my mums drawers. "Okay thanks mum for hiding my stuff."
"Thats okay I'll do it again sometime!"
"Hahaha, yeah right."
"Kaidin have you gotten in the shower yet?"
"No Mum, I cant find my uniform."
"Well you better find it quick or you will be going to school in your onesie!"
"But Mum, I can't find it anywhere, it’s like just disappeared!"
"Oh sure, just like all your other stuff huh Kaidin?"
I got a note to go to school with to say that my uniform is lost and that I have to wear mufti just for today, which was a pain because every teacher I walked past asked why I'm in mufti and where my uniform is so I just showed them the note and moved on. When I got home I went to go grab my iPod from where I always put it, but I looked and that wasn't there either. I yelled out to my mum,
"Mum, have you seen my iPod?"
"No, but do you know where you last put it?"
"Mum, if I knew where I last put it do you think I'd be asking you where it is?"
"Sorry, just trying to help."
I thought to myself that I'll try to find it later so I run into my room to go on my PS3 but surprise, surprise, it’s not there.
"Oh what now Kaidin?" Said mum, "I know you're up to mischief."
"Tell me where all my stuff is!"
"Kaidin, do you really think I would hide your uniform away from you so you would go to school in your onesie?" Said mum, "Now what’s gone missing?"
"My PS3, the whole thing!" Yells Kaidin, "The controller is here but not my HDMI cable, power cord or my Elgato!"
I really couldn't be bothered looking for all my stuff because it will take me hours so I just thought of going for a bike ride. I walk outside to get my bike and I couldn't believe it, my bike had no tyres! By this time I've had enough, I went up to my mum and said,
"Mum, I know you’ve put all my stuff somewhere, please can I have it back?"
"Kaidin, I have hidden your stuff away, would you like to get it back?"
"Yes where is it, where is it, where is it?"
"Right here."
My mum led me to her bedroom where my stuff was all scattered around the room. My PS3, the power cord, the HDMI and my Elgato. My iPod was under her drawers and my bike tyres were under Liams bed. My uniform was in my mums drawers. "Okay thanks mum for hiding my stuff."
"Thats okay I'll do it again sometime!"
"Hahaha, yeah right."
Monday, 13 October 2014
Tuesday, 23 September 2014
PEEL Paragraph
There are multiple reasons why Rimu is the best syndicate. Firstly, Rimu offers a large range of opportunities. For example, Rimu house gets to use laptops for learning everyday! Also, Rimu house has great teachers. Such as Miss Campbell who speaks Mandarin and Mrs Mills who is a tech whizz! Another great reason why Rimu is the best syndicate is that we set high standards. Like the spirit trophy competition, we are always seen in the top places. It's for these reasons and many more that Rimu is the best syndicate.
Monday, 22 September 2014
PEEL Paragraph
Being a mum is easy.
It can be argued that being a mum is easy. Firstly, being a mum can cause a lot of stress. Like my brother, if my mum asks him to get up for school, he won't. Secondly, children are very demanding and want everything they see. For example, if my sister sees a pretty skirt she'll tug on mum's dress, demanding her to buy it. Also, children can be very restless and never seem to get tired. My little cousin is always bouncing off the walls 24/7 and this drives her mum round the bend. It's for these reasons that I think being a Mum is not easy.
Sunday, 21 September 2014
Why is Mr Brian Diver such a successful principal
Mr Diver is a successful principal because he has high expectations. Firstly, Mr Diver expects his school to be on top. He makes sure his school is always on top of the AIMS GAMES medal table each year. Also, he strives to make his school's learning opportunities as large as possible. He does this by employing top staff members like Mrs Hart, who has travelled around the world. Thirdly, Mr Diver supports his students by giving inspirational speeches in assembly that motivate them to succeed. Lastly, Mr Diver makes his school's reputation really high by giving his students a wide range of amazing opportunities such as The Ultimate Relay and Ngamuwahine Camp. Therefore, Mr Diver is a very successful principal.
Election 2014
What percentage of the vote did each party win?
National - 48.06%
Labour - 24.69%
Green - 10.02%
NZ first - 8.85%
Maori - 1.29%
Act - 0.69%
Internet/Mana - 1.26%
United Future - 0.22%
Conservative - 4.12%
How will parliament look?
National - 61 seats
Labour - 32 seats
Green - 13 seats
NZ First - 11 seats
Maori Party - 2 seats
Act - 1 seat
Internet/Mana - 0 seats
United Future - 1 seat
Conservative - 0 seats
Who is the Tauranga MP and which party is he/she from?
Simon Bridges - National
Who came 2nd and 3rd for Tauranga?
Clayton Mitchell - NZ first
Rachel Jones - Labour
Who is the BOP MP and which party is he/she from?
Todd Muller - National
What regional seat does the Prime Minister hold?
How many people voted?
2.4 Million
List all of the ministerial portfolios
Portfolios | Other responsibilities | |
1 | Rt Hon John Key | |
2 | Hon Bill English Deputy Prime Minister | |
3 | Hon Gerry Brownlee | |
4 | Hon Steven Joyce | |
6 | Hon Tony Ryall | |
7 | Hon Hekia Parata | |
8 | Hon Christopher Finlayson | |
9 | Hon Paula Bennett | |
10 | Hon Dr Jonathan Coleman | |
11 | Hon Murray McCully | |
12 | Hon Anne Tolley | |
13 | Hon Dr Nick Smith | |
14 | Hon Tim Groser | |
15 | Hon Amy Adams | |
16 | Hon Nathan Guy | |
17 | Hon Craig Foss | |
18 | Hon Simon Bridges | |
19 | Hon Nikki Kaye | |
20 | Hon Michael Woodhouse |
Portfolios | Other responsibilities | |
21 | Hon Jo Goodhew | |
22 | Hon Chester Borrows | |
23 | Hon Todd McClay | |
24 | Hon Peseta Sam Lotu-Iiga | |
25 | Hon Nicky Wagner |
Portfolios | Other responsibilities |
Hon Dr Pita Sharples | |
Hon Tariana Turia | |
Hon Peter Dunne |
Who is the current Minister for Education?
Hon Hekia Parata
What portfolio does John Key hold?
Prime Minister and Minister of Tourism.
Name 1 change we will now expect to see in NZ in the next 3 years in
Education - Strengthening school leadership.
Health - Further support rest home care by increasing the rest home bed subsidy by five per cent – around $10 million – from 1 October 2014.
Environment - Invest $3.2 million for the better environmental management of our oceans.
Policing - Supporting families and members to turn away from the gang lifestyle.
Tourism - Provided support to the New Zealand screen industry to make sure the Hobbit films were made in New Zealand.
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